Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Some thoughts before Mexico

So this week has been all about finalizing the trip to Mexico. I have 30 people joining me from Michigan and 1 coming from Colorado. I am really excited again for the incredible opportunity to take a group down there. Many people probablly think that we are stupid for going to Tiajuana. For many reasons I am sure here are a few that I can come up with: It is over Thanksgiving; you pay to do this; that sounds to ruff; it is not safe..... I am sure there are others which I have heard.

My prayer is that the eyes and hearts of the people going would be opened to the truth of God's word and the reality of the world around us. How should I be living right now , today, in light of what God has said I should be doing?

The focus that I have chosen for the week comes from Hebrews 13:7

" Remember your leaders those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith. "

This verse is encapsulated in the statement before about the confidence that we can have because God has said "that He will never leave you nor forsake you" and after that " Jesus Chrust is the same yesterday and today and forever. There is also a quote which comes from the psalms. Specifically Ps 118:6 and Ps 56:10-11, We find the challenge here that " The Lord is my helper I will not fear what can man do to me?"

So focusing on Remember, Consider, and Imitate. These three words are verbs and they are active not passive. We find a warning in verse nine which says " Do not be led away by diverse and strange teachings" How do we safe guard ourselves against this? By remembering the truth, the teaching of the leaders who are imparting to us the Word of God. Consider it then, weigh it out , count the cost, and then imitate those who are modelling the truth lived out.


chris said...

We have been praying for you and your group since we first heard of this mission trip.
Reading in Joshua 1 this morning...God told Joshua to "be strong and courageous" as they entered the land God had given them; this was THEIR land. I pray the same for you and your group - to be strong and courageous as you enter this land God has given to you. You will continue to be in our prayers. God Bless, Chris and Ron Hemenway

kd said...

i'm excited to see you guys.