Monday, January 11, 2010

A new phase of life

I am an official student now at Moody Bible Institute. Here I am starting my studies this semester as a transfer student. Bring in some credits, I hope to complete the four year program in three years. Undoubtedly this new phase will bring with it many times of growth and many new experiences. I was challenged even yesterday by one of my pastors to really value and treasure this time at school. I am reminded of the quote from the movie " Saving Private Ryan" where Tom Hanks character says to the Ryan after they have rescued him, " Earn this" So here I am blessed with the opportunity to study the Bible let alone live in an incredible Christian community. What an incredible blessing it is that I must not take for granted. May I be found faithful in my studies and my time at school as God continues to prepare me for what He has in store. I reflect upon 2 Timothy 4:6-16 in times like these.