When you think about the topic of Love what first comes to your mind. This morning for me it was several songs. "Whats love got to do with it" ; " What is love, baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me no more". These were the first words that came to my mind this morning when I got into a conversation on the topic of Love.
How do you explain love?
This morning while on a training run, I got into a conversation with two girls on "what is love". One of the girls made a statement that she thinks of love as having three parts, especially when thinking in terms of romantic love. The three parts were choice, commitment, and affection/feelings. I thought that this was a well balanced idea and are all three connected. Upon further consideration I think that we could explain it with the illustration of a three legged stool. The three legs would be Commitment, Choice, Trust, and the seat would be feelings/affection.
I am pondering now, how balanced is my view of love and how am I practicing this.