Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christless Christianity

I have now started a new book called Christless Christianity written by Michael Horton.

As a segway into this book I will tie in one final quote from Crazy Love.

" I believe that much of the American churchgoing population, while not specifically swimming downstream , is slowly floating away from Christ. It isn't a conscious choice, but it is nonetheless happening because little in their lives propels them toward Christ." p. 95

Here is the first paragraph

Liberating a captive church

" Here we are in the North American Church - conservative or liberal, evangelical or mainline, protastant or catholic, emergant or otherwise - cranking along just fine , thank you. So we're busy downsizing, becoming culturally relevant, reaching out, drawing in, making disciples, managing the machinery, utilizing biblical principles, celebrating recovery, user-friendly, techno savvy, finding the purposeful life, practicing peace with justice, utilizing spiritual disciplines, growing in self-esteem, reinventing ourselves as effective ecclesiastcal entreprenuers, and in general, feeling ever so much better about our achievments.
Notice anything missing in this pretty picture?......................."

How about Jesus Christ.

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