Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Crazy Ideas

" We need to be living lives that demand an explanation!"
quote taken from Jeff Vanderstelt

When we read the Bible , what is the natural conclusion of the life that Christ wants you to live?

Based on God's word and His Spirit at work in us filling us with power ( Acts 1:8) , leading us into understanding of the Word ( Jn 16:13) , and Sealing us in Christ ( 2 Cor5:5, Eph 1:13) .....

What is the natural course my life should take in response to God.

Being content is something that has been a common theme this last week. This idea of contentment that we find in 1 Timothy 6: 6-10. I have just been pondering what it looks like to live out these verses. I don't think that Paul could state it any clearer for Timothy. Now Timothy was being charged to preach and teach this. Paul was living it, you know I find those leaders that call us to action that when they are really demonstrating it in their own lives I find I have a greater desire to get behind them. Paul in Phil 4:13, the verse we all love to quote out of context, is clearly laying out the most natural and logical response to the foundational truths of his salvation. Jesus Christ is more than enough for me in any circumstance. For we see that for Paul no matter what happened in life he found contentment in Christ. Were there days of struggle and days of forgetting the truth? I would have to say yes because we are human and so was Paul. I think that Paul though was living his life out in such a way as to be walking according to the Spirit and serving his Savior and Creator God.

Lord fill me with understanding of your Word and Father I am weak is so many ways. I need your Spirit to be my strength in standing in this world. That I might learn to apply your Word to my life and live out a life which demands an explanation which can be none other than Jesus.


Matt said...

Contentment...what a desireable thing. I never would have thunk it before. Good words, brother.

P.S. It's Phil 4:13 you mean...I know you know that...;0)

JAMIE said...

Bro your wisdom is astounding thank you for sharing and being a living example for Christ. I will pray for your continuing growth and wisdom in the word. Love you brother.