Today we had the opportunity to tangibly love on God's children. A group of about 20 of us went to an orphanage in Tijuana that provides a home to both boys and girls under age 12. Though our Spanglish abilities vary, we were all able to communicate love to these children. We came with a hot dog lunch and toys for them which they were so excited about; but they gave us so much more back with their smiles and joy. Some wanted to play and spent the afternoon on our shoulders, playing futbol (soccer), or coloring with us. Others just wanted to be held. Cliff Beckett spent most of the day just holding and loving on a young boy named Alex who has downs syndrome. It was clear that one of the reasons God brought Cliff on this trip was to wrap his arms around Alex for the afternoon. The highlight of my experience was holding the little babies at the orphanage. One little boy was on my lap during lunch time and I fed him a hot dog bun and cookie bite by bite. He fussed like little ones do when I wiped his hands and face when he was done. I also held onto little Analu and covered her with kisses while we were there. She's the tiniest little thing, with the longest eyelashes you've ever seen. It broke my heart to leave there knowing tomorrow there may be no one to wipe their face or provide the kisses. My prayer is that God would provide families to love all these little babies. But more than that, my prayer is that these babies would learn of God's unconditional love for them as their heavenly Father.
It definitely made me thankful for all the ways God has blessed me with family, but I'm most thankful to be called a child of His.
Happy Thanksgiving!
~Diane Durow
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