Monday, August 23, 2010

"Radical" by David Platt

I recently read this summer the book "Radical" by David Platt.
I whole heartily recommend that people should read and consider the thoughts and teachings presented. It is certainly a challenge laid down to the American Church.

I would also point anyone who has read this book to a blog response by Kevin Deyoung. One of my pastors, Doug Phillips, recommended this blog post of Kevin's. I respect Doug, Kevin, and David for their faithful handling and teaching of the Word of God.
Thank you Doug for leading me to this post.
Thank you Kevin for your helpful insights and thoughts regarding "Radical".
Thank you David for your passionate plea laid out in "Radical".

By far my favorite chapter in the book was chapter seven " There is no plan B". This was a great reminder of the gospel and the ministry that we as people touched and transformed by the gospel have.

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