Thursday, May 28, 2009

30 day fast from movies

So after pondering and reflecting on a post that Doug Philips posted from John Piper. I have decided that I would fast from movies for the next 30 days. In this time I will use the times I would normally want to watch a movie to meditate and reflect on God's word. I was specifically convicted with the thought that if I were to die today what would I want to be caught doing? My prayer is that I would be able to say " exactly what I had planned to do" . I look forward to seeing how God will challenge and grow me in this area of media and entertainment.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Spectacular Sins

So I just read this short book this morning. This was a challenging read as far as the depth of theology that is tackled in its short 110 pages. In it though were some incredible gems which Piper skillfully unpacked. The actual complete title is "Spectacular Sins and their global purpose in the glory of Christ". In this book he covers 8 topics deallying with God's sovereignty and man's sin. The accounts of Adam, The Tower of Babel, Joseph, and David as well as others are covered in this book.
Here are some of the questions which sparked the writing of this book which actually came out of a teaching series.

" How is Christ glorified in a world of sin?"
" Why does God want us to know His sovereignty over sin?"
"Why does God not restrain sin more often?"
" Can we have faith and Joy during the severity of the Last Days?"

To use Piper's words he summed up his book as follows:
" My aim is that you would conquer unbelief and despair in the face of spectacular sin and misery."

" Recently I went back almost three decades and listened to my candidating sermon at the church I still serve. It was Jan. 27, 1980. I told that old and graying downtown church that I had one supreme passion and one simple goal. I learned it from my father, and I learned it from the apostle Paul. I exist to magnify Jesus Christ. That is, I am on this planet for one ultimate reason: to do whatever I can to make Jesus Christ known and treasured - a knowing and treasuring that accords with his infinite beauty and immeasurable worth...
We are Christian Hedonist at Bethlehem. That means we believe and pursue the truth that God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him. But we know that in this life, joy in God is never unmixed with sorrow. Never. Love wont allow that. Our banner bears the seal of 2 Cor 6:10 'sorrowful yet always rejoicing'. We are pushing our way through a blood spattered life that makes us feel connected to the world and disconnected at the same time."

This will be a book that I know I will read through again. It is short, concise and filled with scripture. I thank God for the many men who faithfully handle God's Word and proclaim the gospel message.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Trust in the Lord

As I have been having several conversations with people lately; I have found that the topic of trust has come up consistently. What does it really look like to daily trust God? How would my actions or even my thought life be different?

Prov. 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make straight your paths."

I have also been thinking a lot this last year about the phrase "wait on the Lord". I have found that this idea requires actions not stagnation or passivity. Yet there is certainly a balance in life we find this tension played out in James 4:13-17. I don't know what the future will hold but I will trust in the Lord and wait on the Lord in His timing and in His way. Lord move within my heart to trust you more and within my mind to be more confident in your ways. Give me the confidence in you Lord to live according to your Word. Grow me into the Godly man that you would have me to be. May I always remain grounded in my identity in you. The future seems unknown and difficult but neither should keep me back. You Lord will provide the light for my path only as much as is needed for the next step. May my stride be strong and my steps sure straining as if it were a race and only one receives the prize. My all my life be for your glory alone.

The Lord knows the plans that He has for me.

Please pray with me for the next three months. I found out today that I am on the waiting list for Moody. This then is definitely a hopeful place to be but a difficult one as well. I need to live this summer in such a way as to plan on attending Moody. This means I need to work for the seven or so weeks that I will have in Lansing. I am praying that God would open the door for work.