Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The first few days back in Japan

Some may be wondering what Japanees food I had been craving the most. If you guessed CoCo's Curry than you are a winner. I went to CoCo's on Monday and had lunch there with a friend. I had the tankatsu curry, level 2, 200 grams with a non-bread.

Well in some ways it feels like I was only gone on a short vacation and now I am right back into the mix at the Lighthouse. On the other hand there has been many people who are new to the community and many who have left, this brings about a change in atmosphere.

Was talking today with a friend and were talking about how much things can change in a year. She remarked how much she and her husband were able to see a change over the years time of knowing me. A change that was a good change one of growth and maturing in Christ. I can say the same for her, it is amazing to see how Christ works in our life and uses events and people and places to spur on growth in our life.

There are many events and things that are taking place over the next weeks. There are also many things happen in the lives of the people here at the Lighthouse. Both good and bad, pray that Jim and Maratha would have the wisdom and insight in counseling and that they would be energized and encouraged in the ministry. Pray for Yuki as she works towards doing an internship with Cadence. Pray for relationships in the community here, that there would be reconciliation, forgiveness, love and peace.

Pray for me as I seek to keep things running smoothly starting next week. That I will have wisdom in studying for Friday night teaching and that I would be a source of encouragement and a catalyst in the spiritual walks of the men and women here.

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