Saturday, February 6, 2010

Jesus Draw Me Ever Nearer

We sang this song several times this last week during Founders Week.
The words rang out so powerfully that I could not help but be moved to tears.
Oh may this be song be true in my life,
" And at the end of my heart's testing
With Your likeness let me wake"

Jesus Draw Me Ever Nearer (Keith Getty and Margaret Becker)

This song was written in 2001 with Margaret Becker, when she agreed to be part of my New Irish Hymns series. I had written a folk melody in the Irish-bluegrass style and had always wanted a hymn that speaks to the subject of suffering. So many of the greatest hymns were written through such experiences, and I felt it was important to make this a key part of our work. Rather than being clichéd or self–obsessed, I wanted to write with a Psalmist-like honesty that clings to the promises of Scripture, that Christ is with us, refining us through our troubles, promising heaven as a real hope to fix our eyes on. —Keith

May this journey bring a blessing
May I rise on wings of faith
And at the end of my heart's testing
With Your likeness let me wake

Verse 1:
Jesus draw me ever nearer
As I labor thro' the storm
You have called me to this passage
And I'll follow tho' I'm worn

Verse 2:
Jesus guide me thro' the tempest
Keep my spirit staid and sure
When the midnight meets the morning
Let me love You even more

Verse 3:
Let the treasures of the trial
Form within me as I go
And at the end of this long passage
Let me leave them at Your throne

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

always liked that song too! melissa