Cooking Ribs for the 4th of July party

The party in progress

Martha on right Yukie in center and Nic on the left

Outside the back entrance to the base

Looking down blue street

Tokyo Bay
The Island which is center is called Monkey Island
It has been a crazy week, time is already flying by so quick that it feels like it is hard to keep up.
Today Tuesday I received my base pass ( that is an answer to prayer) This is a pass which I have to have in order to get on and off of the base without having to be signed on by another sailor.
The week has been productive, I have been able to meet several guys, these guys have come out to the Lighthouse and are planning on continuing to come. My hope and prayer is that they will be willing over the next few weeks to meet together with the purpose of discipleship and mentoring.
Some of the things which have been difficult already is trying to make up an itinerary for my week. Which is needing to be some what fluid at first until I can know what is required and when.
So far my relationship with Jim and Martha has been going well. There is still room though for improving on our communication between each other.
Today I spent the morning just walking around the base and the city. It was a nice time to just get out and see the town. Trying to learn more how the city is laid out is a challenge. It is very difficult to know which way you are going until you learn the streets. It is not at all like Lansing which is laid out in a grid. Mostly because you have hills and little mountains that the houses and roads all wind around and are nestled between. This can make for some great adventures.
There is another person who lives at the Lighthouse right now. Her name is Yukie, and she is japanees. She has been connected with the ministry here for at least 3 years. She became a follower of Christ in 2006 and has been connecting with the bible study here at the Lighthouse ever since. She and I are close in age and have been able to have some fun times already. She has been showing me around town and the base. She has a great since of humor so we are continually joking around which brings joy and laughter to the house. Though we have also been able to have several very good conversations. Pray for her as she is looking to God to determine her direction in life. ( I guess I can relate to that :} )
Also I just remembered a salior named Gregg. He has been in the hospital recoving from a colasped lung. Pray for him and for his spirit to be lifted, he is a new believer and is seeing God at work, his mom is not a believer and he is trying to encourage his mom to be thinking about God. Pray that through this God might make himself know to her.
Well this is probably extremly long I dont know because I have not gone back to look yet. I guess once I get my fingers typing it seems to just flow. I just wanted to close with sharing how encouraging it is to know that God is in control. I say that because I saw it first hand in all of the people who have gotten behind me and the minitstry here in Japan. There are so many people who have and are supporting me financially and in prayer. That means so much to me, to be half way around the globe and yet to get an email or note that says hey you were being thought of and we are praying for you. THat is the body of Christ in and at work. So to those of you who read this and you fall into that catagory Thank you for your support of me and the ministry here. I pray that God will bless for you support of His Body.