Saturday, July 26, 2008


" Jesus isnt really concerned with moving us into a new economic strata or a different social structure, and I think the chuch has missed this. Jesus isnt so much concerned about removing you from the margins as he is with helping you understand that you dont have to be named by the margins of this society. He says you're named by God.......His invitation to us is to walk away from the names placed on us by society and to hear and believe the new names the Father gives us.
Cared for

The love of Jesus doesnt come to make us fit into American culture; its here to make us fit into heaven. His love is here to complete us."

Rick Mckinley "Jesus in the Margins"

1 comment:

YUKI said...

I need to remember that I have the identity God gave me. There are so many lie in this world but we always need to seek the truth. Thank you for reminding me of that. "All flesh is like grass and all its glory like the flower of grass. The grass withers,and the flower falls,but the word of the LORD remains forever." 1 Peter 1:24-25
