Monday, February 16, 2009

God at work

So I started praying for the ships in the 7th fleet. Specifically I was praying for them idividually and specifiacally for certain sailors on board. Well I didnt pray as regular or as often as I should of but it is amazing to here how God has been and is answering prayer out here.

Last night while I was at chapel one of the men who had just returned to port gave a testimony during prayer time. His testimony was a praise that God was doing some amazing things on his ship. There were record attendance at the weekly bible studies and chapel services. And this is a ship which does not have a chaplin. The amazing thing has been that I knew of at least five believers personally who were on board this ship so I had been praying for them and for their ship that God would move in the lives of the believers that they would be strong in their walk and commitment to God, and that their testimony on board would be strong. I also had been praying that there would be a revival on board that ship.

I was so excited to hear just a brief bit of what God had been doing while they had been gone for the past month. Thank you for you back home for your prayers for me and for the men and women of the 7th fleet. God is at work out here right now I can see it and feel it. HE answers prayer and delights in his children who boldly approach his thrown and yield their lives to him and offer up to him the prayers for the believers and the lost who are in our circles of influence. So join me in praying for the USS Lassen and the men and women on board that God would continue to burn a spirit of conviction in those people and that the believers would turn to God and live intentionally for His Kingdom on board their ship.

1 comment:

Matt said...

Amen, brother! I see God moving as well. Chapel services on the Blue Ridge have grown since I was last on board. Let's keep praying for that revival here in Japan among the world's best Navy and the Japanese people!