Monday, February 2, 2009

What is Recession For?


Here is a challenging sermon by John Piper.

He gives five points that he believes are biblical reasons for recession.

1 Expose hidden sin

2 Wake us up - it shows where we are not trusting, where we are wasting....

3 Relocate the roots of our joy

4 Serves to advance His saving mission, His Kingdom....
( when the church cannot take credit financially)
5 He intends for His church to care for the needs of the people in the church

I was challenged by this sermon to thin in my own life how I can become more refined and focused in my life specifically in the areas of my time, and my money. If I am struggling with not trusting God and this is being seen in my fear of the future and my financial condition then I need to humble myself. For it is rooted in pride when we do not trust God with our future; for the converse of not trusting God is trusting in myself and that is pride. A spirit of an unhealthy worry, anxiety, fear of the unknown both financially and physically is rooted in a spirt of self reliance or self dependence. ( also known as pride)

I am reminded of three quotes, these I have on my wall here in Japan. These come from two missionaries who gave their lives for the spread of the gospel and a current pastor.

1 " To many of us are far more concerned about our standard of living than we are about others living." Francis Chan ( Context being both spiritual and physical living)

2 " Only one life twill soon be past only whats done for Christ will last" CT Studd

3 " He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." Jim Elliot

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