Monday, September 22, 2008

Final thougth about Robert Murry MCheyne

So he died at age 29, hardly a long life, yet he left behind him a legacy which is still being spread today. What legacy will I leave behind? " Wherever the news of his departure came, every Christians countanace was darkened with sadness. Perhaps, never was the death of one, whose sole occupation had been preaching the everlasting gospel, more felt by all the saints of God in Scotland. He (MCheyne) used to say "Live so as to be missed" and none that saw the tears that were shed over his death would have doubted that his own life had been what he had recommended to others."

Not that it is for your personal interests to be missed or you taking the focus but your life lived out for Christ and the impact on others that will be missed.

So I again ask myself What legacy will I leave behind? Will I live so as to be missed?

1 comment:

kd said...

what legacy...

a lot of thoughts raising from there