There is the possibility that I will be able to take it to familys home on Monday nights and start that next week. I am praying that during my time left here I can train and expose the right people to the Truth Project so that they could continue to use this great tool in challenging and training the church.
This is just to add some pictures to the story that I already told you about.
You remember the gal Rebecca, the one who accepted Christ in August. Well here she is getting baptized. She was at chapel on Sunday night last week, and heard that there was a baptism afterwards and God worked in her heart during the service, so after the service she went up and asked the chaplin if she could be baptized, so he asked her the questions to confirm her belief and trust in Christ and told her it was a go. So she got baptised in the clothes that she had on, right there after chapel by Nate Johnson. ( who is a Cadence Maliachi missionary) . Just thought that I would continue to complete the story for you.

both things so encouraging.
Thanks Eric, its great to have a face with the name. Prayers for God's blessings in Christ Jesus, on you and her.
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