"To believe is to act and to act is to believe"
I continue to wrestle with the implications of this quote.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
A prayer of my heart
"Let me not be blind with privilege
Give me eyes to see the pain
Let the blessing You’ve poured out on me
Not be spent on me in vain
Let this life be used for change. "
"I Will Go" by Starfield
Give me eyes to see the pain
Let the blessing You’ve poured out on me
Not be spent on me in vain
Let this life be used for change. "
"I Will Go" by Starfield
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
My rights and suffering
I read this on my pastor's blog. The ironic thing is that I was having a conversation about this very topic tonight. God is amazing and the more I see Him revealed in His word and in Life the more I fall in love with Him.
John Newton On How Faith Faces Trials
Concerning a believer, Newton writes, "...his faith upholds him under all trials, by assuring him, that every painful dispensation is under the direction of his Lord; that chastisements are a token of his love; that the season, measure, and continuance of his sufferings, are appointed by Infinite Wisdom, and designed to work for his everlasting good; and that grace and strength shall be afforded him, according to his need."
Thus, his heart being fixed, trusting in the Lord, to whom he has committed all his concerns; and knowing that his best interests are safe; he is not greatly afraid of evil tidings, but enjoys a stable peace in the midst of a changing world. For, though he cannot tell what a day may bring forth, he believes that he who has invited and enabled him to cast all his cares upon him, will allow nothing to befall him but what shall be made subservient to his chief desire—the glory of God in the sanctification and final salvation of his soul."
And if, through the weakness of his flesh, he is liable to be startled by the first impression of a sharp and sudden trial, he quickly flees to his strong refuge, remembers it is the Lord's doing, resigns himself to his will, and patiently expects a happy outcome."
John Newton On How Faith Faces Trials
Concerning a believer, Newton writes, "...his faith upholds him under all trials, by assuring him, that every painful dispensation is under the direction of his Lord; that chastisements are a token of his love; that the season, measure, and continuance of his sufferings, are appointed by Infinite Wisdom, and designed to work for his everlasting good; and that grace and strength shall be afforded him, according to his need."
Thus, his heart being fixed, trusting in the Lord, to whom he has committed all his concerns; and knowing that his best interests are safe; he is not greatly afraid of evil tidings, but enjoys a stable peace in the midst of a changing world. For, though he cannot tell what a day may bring forth, he believes that he who has invited and enabled him to cast all his cares upon him, will allow nothing to befall him but what shall be made subservient to his chief desire—the glory of God in the sanctification and final salvation of his soul."
And if, through the weakness of his flesh, he is liable to be startled by the first impression of a sharp and sudden trial, he quickly flees to his strong refuge, remembers it is the Lord's doing, resigns himself to his will, and patiently expects a happy outcome."
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Erik's December Japan Update
I just want to thank you those of you for your support both financially and prayerfully and for your encouragement during my last 4 month stay in Japan. This time was profitable both for me personally as well as for the ministry there in Japan. I would like to briefly share with you how I was directly impacted, and how I saw people within the ministry impacted. I will start with sharing about the ministry and then will close with sharing about the challenges and growth that I have experienced in my own life.
Let me briefly describe my roles in the ministry. I am considered an intern at the Lighthouse; specifically regarding the men’s ministry. In some ways I arrived and found that what I needed to do in a lot of ways I had all ready been doing in Lansing. My time with Kainos and other ministries at South had largely prepared me already for the ministry in Japan.
During my time there I was involved in leading and teaching a men’s Bible study which took place on Wednesday nights. In this study we went through the book of Hebrews, and found that time to be extremely challenging and enriching. At the house we provide a meal both on Wednesday and Friday nights. We average 20 – 50 people on that night which means there is a lot to be cooked and prepped for on a regular basis. Working in and around the house with meals and other regular tasks was also part of my duties. At the Lighthouse we also manage a Christian bookstore which carries around three hundred titles. I know this because I am responsible for managing the sales and ordering for the bookstore. You would not believe some of the joy and excitement that I get to see in a sailor when they learn about our bookstore, since we are the only Christian bookstore in Yokosuka, Japan. When I arrived at the Lighthouse I brought with me the Truth Project. I started up two small groups which meet on a weekly basis and went through the lessons. It is exciting to know that there are at least two people who have taken the Truth Project dvd’s to their ships with the intentions of starting groups up on board. The other broader area of ministry which I am involved in is life on life living. What I mean by that is I seek to share life with these men and women continually looking for opportunities to have conversations. My focus is always to asses where they are at spiritually and to point them to Christ both in discipleship and in evangelism scenarios. It was a great joy to watch a young female officer come to know Christ this last summer. I have also had the joy of watching several sailors take great steps in growing in their relationship with Christ.
Personally over the last several months I have really been challenged and stretched in both ministry and in my personal walk with God. In my own personal study and reading the area of pride seems to keep coming up. My eyes have been opened to see just how self confident and self reliant I have been. Also in the area of personal holiness God has been challenging me with having to really look at does the way I live my life really demonstrate what it means to be sold out for Him. Having to learn more how to love the unlovable and how to exercise more patience are also some more areas where God has been stretching me. Of course you will notice that if you look at all of those areas they all are connected to the root of pride.
Keeping in touch with my ministry partners was also a very difficult thing, understanding the importance of this I am taking steps to become more disciplined in this area. Overall I am really excited to see how God has been challenging and growing me.
My future holds another five months in Japan with schooling after that. In November I was accepted to Moody Bible Institute in their undergraduate program with a major in Pastoral ministries. Although uncertain at this point if that is the best direction I am still considering it. One of my other possible choices is to finish a general associates degree from a community college and then go to seminary. My hopes and prayer is that within five years I will be able to complete one of these options and will be in a ministry position full time. I am uncertain still at this point what that direction or position will be, but I have decided that it will be in missions overseas or in mission’s mobilization within the local church. Most likely it will mean doing missions overseas for ten, fifteen, or twenty years and then returning to be a mobilizer within the local church.
It was truly amazing to watch how God provided financially for me during my time in Japan. Both through God’s provision and through staying under budget on my ministry costs; I still have money remaining in my account from last time, but I have a difference which I need to make up in order to return and remain in Japan until June. I thank those of you who partnered with me during this last time and I ask that you would consider continuing to partner with me.
I don’t know that I realized how encouraging it is to have people partner with you. I mean sharing how they have been praying for you, and supporting financially. I am convinced even more of the value and importance of partnering with and sharing in the lives of the missionaries of our local church. That is real, and raw, authentic body of Christ being lived out. So I just wanted to thank those of you who have played that part in my life.
All for His honor and His glory,
Erik Hultquist
Let me briefly describe my roles in the ministry. I am considered an intern at the Lighthouse; specifically regarding the men’s ministry. In some ways I arrived and found that what I needed to do in a lot of ways I had all ready been doing in Lansing. My time with Kainos and other ministries at South had largely prepared me already for the ministry in Japan.
During my time there I was involved in leading and teaching a men’s Bible study which took place on Wednesday nights. In this study we went through the book of Hebrews, and found that time to be extremely challenging and enriching. At the house we provide a meal both on Wednesday and Friday nights. We average 20 – 50 people on that night which means there is a lot to be cooked and prepped for on a regular basis. Working in and around the house with meals and other regular tasks was also part of my duties. At the Lighthouse we also manage a Christian bookstore which carries around three hundred titles. I know this because I am responsible for managing the sales and ordering for the bookstore. You would not believe some of the joy and excitement that I get to see in a sailor when they learn about our bookstore, since we are the only Christian bookstore in Yokosuka, Japan. When I arrived at the Lighthouse I brought with me the Truth Project. I started up two small groups which meet on a weekly basis and went through the lessons. It is exciting to know that there are at least two people who have taken the Truth Project dvd’s to their ships with the intentions of starting groups up on board. The other broader area of ministry which I am involved in is life on life living. What I mean by that is I seek to share life with these men and women continually looking for opportunities to have conversations. My focus is always to asses where they are at spiritually and to point them to Christ both in discipleship and in evangelism scenarios. It was a great joy to watch a young female officer come to know Christ this last summer. I have also had the joy of watching several sailors take great steps in growing in their relationship with Christ.
Personally over the last several months I have really been challenged and stretched in both ministry and in my personal walk with God. In my own personal study and reading the area of pride seems to keep coming up. My eyes have been opened to see just how self confident and self reliant I have been. Also in the area of personal holiness God has been challenging me with having to really look at does the way I live my life really demonstrate what it means to be sold out for Him. Having to learn more how to love the unlovable and how to exercise more patience are also some more areas where God has been stretching me. Of course you will notice that if you look at all of those areas they all are connected to the root of pride.
Keeping in touch with my ministry partners was also a very difficult thing, understanding the importance of this I am taking steps to become more disciplined in this area. Overall I am really excited to see how God has been challenging and growing me.
My future holds another five months in Japan with schooling after that. In November I was accepted to Moody Bible Institute in their undergraduate program with a major in Pastoral ministries. Although uncertain at this point if that is the best direction I am still considering it. One of my other possible choices is to finish a general associates degree from a community college and then go to seminary. My hopes and prayer is that within five years I will be able to complete one of these options and will be in a ministry position full time. I am uncertain still at this point what that direction or position will be, but I have decided that it will be in missions overseas or in mission’s mobilization within the local church. Most likely it will mean doing missions overseas for ten, fifteen, or twenty years and then returning to be a mobilizer within the local church.
It was truly amazing to watch how God provided financially for me during my time in Japan. Both through God’s provision and through staying under budget on my ministry costs; I still have money remaining in my account from last time, but I have a difference which I need to make up in order to return and remain in Japan until June. I thank those of you who partnered with me during this last time and I ask that you would consider continuing to partner with me.
I don’t know that I realized how encouraging it is to have people partner with you. I mean sharing how they have been praying for you, and supporting financially. I am convinced even more of the value and importance of partnering with and sharing in the lives of the missionaries of our local church. That is real, and raw, authentic body of Christ being lived out. So I just wanted to thank those of you who have played that part in my life.
All for His honor and His glory,
Erik Hultquist
Christless Christianity
I have now started a new book called Christless Christianity written by Michael Horton.
As a segway into this book I will tie in one final quote from Crazy Love.
" I believe that much of the American churchgoing population, while not specifically swimming downstream , is slowly floating away from Christ. It isn't a conscious choice, but it is nonetheless happening because little in their lives propels them toward Christ." p. 95
Here is the first paragraph
Liberating a captive church
" Here we are in the North American Church - conservative or liberal, evangelical or mainline, protastant or catholic, emergant or otherwise - cranking along just fine , thank you. So we're busy downsizing, becoming culturally relevant, reaching out, drawing in, making disciples, managing the machinery, utilizing biblical principles, celebrating recovery, user-friendly, techno savvy, finding the purposeful life, practicing peace with justice, utilizing spiritual disciplines, growing in self-esteem, reinventing ourselves as effective ecclesiastcal entreprenuers, and in general, feeling ever so much better about our achievments.
Notice anything missing in this pretty picture?......................."
How about Jesus Christ.
As a segway into this book I will tie in one final quote from Crazy Love.
" I believe that much of the American churchgoing population, while not specifically swimming downstream , is slowly floating away from Christ. It isn't a conscious choice, but it is nonetheless happening because little in their lives propels them toward Christ." p. 95
Here is the first paragraph
Liberating a captive church
" Here we are in the North American Church - conservative or liberal, evangelical or mainline, protastant or catholic, emergant or otherwise - cranking along just fine , thank you. So we're busy downsizing, becoming culturally relevant, reaching out, drawing in, making disciples, managing the machinery, utilizing biblical principles, celebrating recovery, user-friendly, techno savvy, finding the purposeful life, practicing peace with justice, utilizing spiritual disciplines, growing in self-esteem, reinventing ourselves as effective ecclesiastcal entreprenuers, and in general, feeling ever so much better about our achievments.
Notice anything missing in this pretty picture?......................."
How about Jesus Christ.
" There are reasons that we are where we are and who we are, and they are not random. It is the same way with joy in our lives. We tend to think of joy as something that ebbs and flows depending on life's circumstances. But we don't just lose joy, as though one day we have it and the next it's gone, oh darn. Joy is something that we have to choose and then work for."
Crazy Love by Francis Chan p. 146
This is challenging to me because it goes directly against the flow of our american christian church. We usually respond with joy only when our circumstances are calling for it. But what about where the root of all real joy comes from? The fact that everyday when we remind ourselves of the incredible truth of the gospel that we then must respond with joy when remembering who Christ is and what he has done for us. We then in light of the truth of the gospel must choose to fight for joy in all things no matter the circumstances.
Crazy Love by Francis Chan p. 146
This is challenging to me because it goes directly against the flow of our american christian church. We usually respond with joy only when our circumstances are calling for it. But what about where the root of all real joy comes from? The fact that everyday when we remind ourselves of the incredible truth of the gospel that we then must respond with joy when remembering who Christ is and what he has done for us. We then in light of the truth of the gospel must choose to fight for joy in all things no matter the circumstances.
More from "Crazy Love"
I finished the book Crazy Love by Francis Chan
Here are a few thought provoking thoughts which challenged me....
True Faith
Is demonstrated by " loving a person after he has hurt you. True love makes you stand out"
" But we need to realize that how we spend our time, what our money goes toward, and where we will invest our energy is equivalent to choosing God or rejecting Him."
" When you are running toward Christ you are freed up to serve, love, and give thanks without guilt, worry, or fear. as long as you are running you are safe."
" A person who is obsessed with Jesus knows that the sin of pride is always a battle. Obsessed people know that you can never be " humble enough", and so they seek to make themselves less known and Christ more known( Matt. 5:16) "
Here are a few thought provoking thoughts which challenged me....
True Faith
Is demonstrated by " loving a person after he has hurt you. True love makes you stand out"
" But we need to realize that how we spend our time, what our money goes toward, and where we will invest our energy is equivalent to choosing God or rejecting Him."
" When you are running toward Christ you are freed up to serve, love, and give thanks without guilt, worry, or fear. as long as you are running you are safe."
" A person who is obsessed with Jesus knows that the sin of pride is always a battle. Obsessed people know that you can never be " humble enough", and so they seek to make themselves less known and Christ more known( Matt. 5:16) "
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Pride and Arrogance
I have found that this is a continuous battle that rages in my life. The fight against my self, my flesh, the desire to either think more highly of myself, or to put myself before others.
Here is another quote from Francis Chan in his book "Crazy Love"
" Worry - Implies that we don't quite trust that God is big enough, powerful enough, or loving enough to take care of what;s happening in our lives.
Stress - says that the things we are involved in are important enough to merit our impatience, our lack of grace toward others, or our tight grip of control.
Basically, these two behaviors communicate that it's okay to sin and not trust God because the stuff in my life is somehow exceptional. Both worry and stress reek of arrogance."
This next quote comes from Timothy Keller and from his book "The Reason for God"
" Sin is the despairing refusal to find your deepest identity in your relationship and service to God. Sin is seeking to become oneself ( SA -self accualzation) to get an identity apart from him( God)." Paranthesis and their thougths were added for explination.
Here is another quote from Francis Chan in his book "Crazy Love"
" Worry - Implies that we don't quite trust that God is big enough, powerful enough, or loving enough to take care of what;s happening in our lives.
Stress - says that the things we are involved in are important enough to merit our impatience, our lack of grace toward others, or our tight grip of control.
Basically, these two behaviors communicate that it's okay to sin and not trust God because the stuff in my life is somehow exceptional. Both worry and stress reek of arrogance."
This next quote comes from Timothy Keller and from his book "The Reason for God"
" Sin is the despairing refusal to find your deepest identity in your relationship and service to God. Sin is seeking to become oneself ( SA -self accualzation) to get an identity apart from him( God)." Paranthesis and their thougths were added for explination.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
The crux of it all...
I got here from reading the new book by Francis Chan called Crazy Love. I am only in the first part of the book but so far it looks like it will be a convicting and challenging read. I am sure there will be more to come from this book. I will just leave this thought for now.
" The core problem isn't the fact that we're lukewarm, halfhearted, or stagnant Christians. The crux of it all is why we are this way, and it is because we have an inaccurate view of God. We see Him as a benevolent Being who is satisfied when people manage to fit Him into their lives in some small way. We forget that God never had an identity crisis. He knows that He's great and deserves to be the center of our lives. Jesus came humbly as a servant, but He never begs us to give Him some small part of ourselves. He commands everything from His followers."
http://www.juststopandthink.com/movieextras_movielg.php I found this to be an interesting video.
" The core problem isn't the fact that we're lukewarm, halfhearted, or stagnant Christians. The crux of it all is why we are this way, and it is because we have an inaccurate view of God. We see Him as a benevolent Being who is satisfied when people manage to fit Him into their lives in some small way. We forget that God never had an identity crisis. He knows that He's great and deserves to be the center of our lives. Jesus came humbly as a servant, but He never begs us to give Him some small part of ourselves. He commands everything from His followers."
http://www.juststopandthink.com/movieextras_movielg.php I found this to be an interesting video.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Some thoughts before Mexico
So this week has been all about finalizing the trip to Mexico. I have 30 people joining me from Michigan and 1 coming from Colorado. I am really excited again for the incredible opportunity to take a group down there. Many people probablly think that we are stupid for going to Tiajuana. For many reasons I am sure here are a few that I can come up with: It is over Thanksgiving; you pay to do this; that sounds to ruff; it is not safe..... I am sure there are others which I have heard.
My prayer is that the eyes and hearts of the people going would be opened to the truth of God's word and the reality of the world around us. How should I be living right now , today, in light of what God has said I should be doing?
The focus that I have chosen for the week comes from Hebrews 13:7
" Remember your leaders those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith. "
This verse is encapsulated in the statement before about the confidence that we can have because God has said "that He will never leave you nor forsake you" and after that " Jesus Chrust is the same yesterday and today and forever. There is also a quote which comes from the psalms. Specifically Ps 118:6 and Ps 56:10-11, We find the challenge here that " The Lord is my helper I will not fear what can man do to me?"
So focusing on Remember, Consider, and Imitate. These three words are verbs and they are active not passive. We find a warning in verse nine which says " Do not be led away by diverse and strange teachings" How do we safe guard ourselves against this? By remembering the truth, the teaching of the leaders who are imparting to us the Word of God. Consider it then, weigh it out , count the cost, and then imitate those who are modelling the truth lived out.
My prayer is that the eyes and hearts of the people going would be opened to the truth of God's word and the reality of the world around us. How should I be living right now , today, in light of what God has said I should be doing?
The focus that I have chosen for the week comes from Hebrews 13:7
" Remember your leaders those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith. "
This verse is encapsulated in the statement before about the confidence that we can have because God has said "that He will never leave you nor forsake you" and after that " Jesus Chrust is the same yesterday and today and forever. There is also a quote which comes from the psalms. Specifically Ps 118:6 and Ps 56:10-11, We find the challenge here that " The Lord is my helper I will not fear what can man do to me?"
So focusing on Remember, Consider, and Imitate. These three words are verbs and they are active not passive. We find a warning in verse nine which says " Do not be led away by diverse and strange teachings" How do we safe guard ourselves against this? By remembering the truth, the teaching of the leaders who are imparting to us the Word of God. Consider it then, weigh it out , count the cost, and then imitate those who are modelling the truth lived out.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Two posts in one day unheard of
I know that this is long these are my exiting thoughts as I left Japan. This is more for me than for anyone to read all the way through, although you will have an understanding as to where I am hopefully from this excerpt.
Departing Japan
So here I sit waiting for my plane to board ; it has been an extremely fast four months. I hit the ground running and I feel like even today as I leave I was running to make the train. This of course brings backs memories of my first night in Japan.
I landed in Narita around 5pm having to run through baggage claim and customs. Obviously you can not run through customs , but I think you understand. So I make it to the counter to buy my bus ticket about five minutes before it is scheduled to depart. Of course this is where I find out first about the punctuality of the Japanees transportation service. That bus pulled in about four minutes before it was to depart and we started rolling right on time. This of course is my kind of punctuality.
So there is mixed feelings as I leave. The feeling of I can’t wait till I get home and get to see family and friends. Then of course there is the other side, where I wish that I wasn’t leaving, for the sake of the relationships that I now have here in Japan. There becomes this reality that you know exists I am speaking of the men and women on the base in Yokosuka, Japan. Not that God doesn’t and can’t use other people but there is a sense of responsibility which I feel. A sense that if God has called me there and has placed me there then I need to be doing the best that I can.
I am wrestling with the future decision of schooling. I am seeing two main options. First I go to a Bible school. Now this brings several questions where, and when. I have now committed to stay in Japan until the summer. So the first that I could attend at a school would be next fall the fall of 2009. If I am to attend a Bible school I probably have a minimum of three years to complete a degree. I am however going to start taking some online classes this semester when I go back in January. This is my second option which I see available to me. I could continue to stay on the field somewhere and while there I could be taking classes online. This would allow me to continue working overseas with the military but it also brings with it certain negatives. The first one being that I have never taken any classes online, but I expect that it will be very challenging. I cannot speak yet from personal experience but looking at the structure and format of online classes and the past experiences of others I think that it will be a real challenge for me to be disciplined to learn. Especially when I enjoy listen to a professor lecture the most. I find listening the easiest way to learn. Another negative is that I am not in a group of class setting where I can talk and wrestle with the material. On the other hand I would be in active ministry and would be able to use the classes in my interaction with people in the ministry.
There is another aspect of my future which I would be lying to say that I never think about it. That would be the thoughts on marriage. As I look at my future ministry opportunities and directions I really see at this point that if I am going to head towards Cadence Hospitality House Ministry then marriage is a must. Now I think that there is a balance which is required in the pursuit of this. So the battle ensues, God is in control, if marriage is what He has for me than if I have prepared myself for marriage then He can bring someone into my life no matter where I am. At the same time when you consider what better area to meet a Godly women who has similar passions for following God in full time ministry than at a Bible college.
Back to thoughts than on school I guess that there is a third and possible fourth options. These are ones that I have not looked into yet. See as I look at my heart and passion which God has cultivated in my life I see myself moving into roles where I am involved in shepherding people. This I see as being the role of a pastor to a flock as scripture calls it. So as I look at school I am looking at focusing on a program in pastoral ministries. This can be accomplished at a bible school, but also could be accomplished at a seminary. There is a problem for me in the pursuit of seminary. My understanding is that a seminary requires an undergraduate degree in order to enroll. Maybe there are seminaries which don’t require one but if that is true I have not been made aware of that yet. So the fourth option would be that instead of me taking Bible classes online, I could instead focus on finishing an undergraduate degree; then I could go to a seminary following that. This would be carrying my schooling out probably another five to six years.
Well I am touching down now so more to come later, to be continued…….
Departing Japan
So here I sit waiting for my plane to board ; it has been an extremely fast four months. I hit the ground running and I feel like even today as I leave I was running to make the train. This of course brings backs memories of my first night in Japan.
I landed in Narita around 5pm having to run through baggage claim and customs. Obviously you can not run through customs , but I think you understand. So I make it to the counter to buy my bus ticket about five minutes before it is scheduled to depart. Of course this is where I find out first about the punctuality of the Japanees transportation service. That bus pulled in about four minutes before it was to depart and we started rolling right on time. This of course is my kind of punctuality.
So there is mixed feelings as I leave. The feeling of I can’t wait till I get home and get to see family and friends. Then of course there is the other side, where I wish that I wasn’t leaving, for the sake of the relationships that I now have here in Japan. There becomes this reality that you know exists I am speaking of the men and women on the base in Yokosuka, Japan. Not that God doesn’t and can’t use other people but there is a sense of responsibility which I feel. A sense that if God has called me there and has placed me there then I need to be doing the best that I can.
I am wrestling with the future decision of schooling. I am seeing two main options. First I go to a Bible school. Now this brings several questions where, and when. I have now committed to stay in Japan until the summer. So the first that I could attend at a school would be next fall the fall of 2009. If I am to attend a Bible school I probably have a minimum of three years to complete a degree. I am however going to start taking some online classes this semester when I go back in January. This is my second option which I see available to me. I could continue to stay on the field somewhere and while there I could be taking classes online. This would allow me to continue working overseas with the military but it also brings with it certain negatives. The first one being that I have never taken any classes online, but I expect that it will be very challenging. I cannot speak yet from personal experience but looking at the structure and format of online classes and the past experiences of others I think that it will be a real challenge for me to be disciplined to learn. Especially when I enjoy listen to a professor lecture the most. I find listening the easiest way to learn. Another negative is that I am not in a group of class setting where I can talk and wrestle with the material. On the other hand I would be in active ministry and would be able to use the classes in my interaction with people in the ministry.
There is another aspect of my future which I would be lying to say that I never think about it. That would be the thoughts on marriage. As I look at my future ministry opportunities and directions I really see at this point that if I am going to head towards Cadence Hospitality House Ministry then marriage is a must. Now I think that there is a balance which is required in the pursuit of this. So the battle ensues, God is in control, if marriage is what He has for me than if I have prepared myself for marriage then He can bring someone into my life no matter where I am. At the same time when you consider what better area to meet a Godly women who has similar passions for following God in full time ministry than at a Bible college.
Back to thoughts than on school I guess that there is a third and possible fourth options. These are ones that I have not looked into yet. See as I look at my heart and passion which God has cultivated in my life I see myself moving into roles where I am involved in shepherding people. This I see as being the role of a pastor to a flock as scripture calls it. So as I look at school I am looking at focusing on a program in pastoral ministries. This can be accomplished at a bible school, but also could be accomplished at a seminary. There is a problem for me in the pursuit of seminary. My understanding is that a seminary requires an undergraduate degree in order to enroll. Maybe there are seminaries which don’t require one but if that is true I have not been made aware of that yet. So the fourth option would be that instead of me taking Bible classes online, I could instead focus on finishing an undergraduate degree; then I could go to a seminary following that. This would be carrying my schooling out probably another five to six years.
Well I am touching down now so more to come later, to be continued…….
Back in Michigan
I made it home with no difficulties, I arrived to a sunny mid sixties day, and my Tuesday is the same. It was so nice to be able to drive along and look at the colors in the trees. You definetly come to appreciate things more when you are absent from them.
I appreciate logging on to my internet without having to look at any Japanees text.
I appreciate logging on to my internet without having to look at any Japanees text.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Tonights mussings (sp?)
I am to lazy to look up how to spell it correctly and I am paranoid about misspelling something. I know this comment will come back to haunt me someday.
So generational sins, ever thought about them? Is it true? Do the sins of the father really pass down to the third and fourth generations?
Tonight we were pondering passages from Ezekiel 18:1-4 and Exodus 34
My stance is that everyone is responsible for their own sins. That does not mean that you won't reap what you sow and it might be that the way you nurture and raise your kids the ramifications of your sins might continue in their lives as well, but our parents did not have to teach us how to sin, we do a great job of that on our own.
There does how ever seem to be a trend. Things run in the family. What you see your father or mother involved in alot of times you find the kids invovled in as well, sometimes even several generations.
The responsibility always falls on each individual, are they going to stop the sin patern. Are they going to be a curve in the generational patterns?
We then looked at Daniel 9: 3-5
Own the sin Dan 9:5
Confess the sin I John 1:9
Repent the sin Rev 2:5
Renew your mind Rom 12:2
That last step is critical and I think that is where I fall short. For if I do not replace what is in mind, if I do not change my thinking paterns, my worldview, then I will return to my old ways for I have nothing to keep me from going back. Just like the demons which are driven out and nothing is put in its place they come right back. So it is if we neglect to renew our minds. This can be a very difficult cocoon time which we must face. The amazing thing is that this is what Christ does in our lives. The testimony of a changed life by the power of Christ changing us from the inside out.
So generational sins, ever thought about them? Is it true? Do the sins of the father really pass down to the third and fourth generations?
Tonight we were pondering passages from Ezekiel 18:1-4 and Exodus 34
My stance is that everyone is responsible for their own sins. That does not mean that you won't reap what you sow and it might be that the way you nurture and raise your kids the ramifications of your sins might continue in their lives as well, but our parents did not have to teach us how to sin, we do a great job of that on our own.
There does how ever seem to be a trend. Things run in the family. What you see your father or mother involved in alot of times you find the kids invovled in as well, sometimes even several generations.
The responsibility always falls on each individual, are they going to stop the sin patern. Are they going to be a curve in the generational patterns?
We then looked at Daniel 9: 3-5
Own the sin Dan 9:5
Confess the sin I John 1:9
Repent the sin Rev 2:5
Renew your mind Rom 12:2
That last step is critical and I think that is where I fall short. For if I do not replace what is in mind, if I do not change my thinking paterns, my worldview, then I will return to my old ways for I have nothing to keep me from going back. Just like the demons which are driven out and nothing is put in its place they come right back. So it is if we neglect to renew our minds. This can be a very difficult cocoon time which we must face. The amazing thing is that this is what Christ does in our lives. The testimony of a changed life by the power of Christ changing us from the inside out.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Being a Disciple of Christ
" In the modern world it seems so difficult to walk with absolute certainty in the narrow way of ecclesiastical decision and yet remain in the broad open spaces of the universal love of Christ, of the patience, mercy, and the ungodly. Yet somehow or other we must combine the two, or else we shall follow the paths of men. May God grant us jow as we strive earnstly to follow the way of discipleship. May we be enabled to say NO to sin and YES to the sinner. May we withstand our foes, and yet hold our to them the Word of the gospel which woos and wins the souls of men."
This is take from The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
This is take from The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Monday, October 20, 2008
Draw near to God
Listen to the sermon from 10-12-2008
Sermon by Todd Nighswonger
This is a sermon from Cornerstone Church in Simi Valley California. This church is pastored by Francis Chan. This sermon is from one of the pastors on the staff at Cornerstone.
Listen to the sermon from 10-12-2008
Sermon by Todd Nighswonger
This is a sermon from Cornerstone Church in Simi Valley California. This church is pastored by Francis Chan. This sermon is from one of the pastors on the staff at Cornerstone.
Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Passion Conference in Yokyo was amazing. It was great to be able to see 2000 people come out with probably 2/3 of those people being asian ( Japanees, Korean, Chineese, and more).
It was great to be able to help serve and help make it happen. If you look at the bottom picture my door was the one on the right and we were doing bag checks. There was no food or liquids allowed in and you should see how many bottles we had to dispose of.
Well that talks about a few of the big events which have happened in the last week. I am getting excited now to be going home in two weeks. I need to finish strong here but also need to start to plan my time back home.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Do I really believe
To believe is to act and to act is to show what you are believing in.
"To many of us are far more concerned about our standard of living than we are about others living." Francis Chan
The apostel Paul said look at my life and live as I have lived. Did the way Paul lived his life make sense if he did not believe in eternity with God?
Is the way I am living my life make since outside of a belief that this world is a temporary residence one where I should be active in meeting the needs of people both physically , but only because I care so much for them because i want to share ulitmately, the gospel with them so that I can meet their spiritual need. Dont get me wrong the physicall side is important but when you wiegh it in light of eternity with God or hell, it pales in comparison.
"To many of us are far more concerned about our standard of living than we are about others living." Francis Chan
The apostel Paul said look at my life and live as I have lived. Did the way Paul lived his life make sense if he did not believe in eternity with God?
Is the way I am living my life make since outside of a belief that this world is a temporary residence one where I should be active in meeting the needs of people both physically , but only because I care so much for them because i want to share ulitmately, the gospel with them so that I can meet their spiritual need. Dont get me wrong the physicall side is important but when you wiegh it in light of eternity with God or hell, it pales in comparison.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Sept 29th 2008
A day that is another step in my life in the pursuit of honoring and pursuing obediently, God. I have decided to stay in Japan for the next semester. My time in Japan will begin again in January and will probably run through into the summer months.
I am returning home in November 3rd, I will be home to lead the trip to Mexico and to put in order my arrangments for returning to Japan in January. I will then be setting up classes online to do during the next semester. It is my hopes to have that be the beginning of my continued pursuit of furthering my education and my ultimate pursuit of preparation for a life of ministry. I will be seeking enrollment into a school starting in the Fall of 09.
This is all of course dependent upon DV ( deo velencia ) - Lord Willing- This has been a struggle and a joy to be making this decision for the next stage of my journey.
For those of you who read this I just want to thank you for your prayers, support, and the encouragement that comes from knowing that you have been in support of me and the ministry here in Japan.
Please pray for the team which will be going to Mexico. I want lift up the preparations for the trip as well as the hearts of the people who will be going.
I am returning home in November 3rd, I will be home to lead the trip to Mexico and to put in order my arrangments for returning to Japan in January. I will then be setting up classes online to do during the next semester. It is my hopes to have that be the beginning of my continued pursuit of furthering my education and my ultimate pursuit of preparation for a life of ministry. I will be seeking enrollment into a school starting in the Fall of 09.
This is all of course dependent upon DV ( deo velencia ) - Lord Willing- This has been a struggle and a joy to be making this decision for the next stage of my journey.
For those of you who read this I just want to thank you for your prayers, support, and the encouragement that comes from knowing that you have been in support of me and the ministry here in Japan.
Please pray for the team which will be going to Mexico. I want lift up the preparations for the trip as well as the hearts of the people who will be going.
Friday, September 26, 2008
God is truly Immanuel
" So if we embrace the Christian teaching that Jesus is God and that he went to the Cross, then we have deep consolation and strength to face the brutal realities of life on earth. We can know that God is truly Immanuel - God with us- even in our worst sufferings."
The Reason for God Timothy Keller
The Reason for God Timothy Keller
Monday, September 22, 2008
Final thougth about Robert Murry MCheyne
So he died at age 29, hardly a long life, yet he left behind him a legacy which is still being spread today. What legacy will I leave behind? " Wherever the news of his departure came, every Christians countanace was darkened with sadness. Perhaps, never was the death of one, whose sole occupation had been preaching the everlasting gospel, more felt by all the saints of God in Scotland. He (MCheyne) used to say "Live so as to be missed" and none that saw the tears that were shed over his death would have doubted that his own life had been what he had recommended to others."
Not that it is for your personal interests to be missed or you taking the focus but your life lived out for Christ and the impact on others that will be missed.
So I again ask myself What legacy will I leave behind? Will I live so as to be missed?
Not that it is for your personal interests to be missed or you taking the focus but your life lived out for Christ and the impact on others that will be missed.
So I again ask myself What legacy will I leave behind? Will I live so as to be missed?
Thursday, September 18, 2008
quote Andrew Murry M'Cheyne
here chew on this one for a while with me
"Our heavenly father has brought us through so many trials and dangers that I feel persuaded he will yet carry us to the end." " Are we not all immortal till our work is done!"?
"Our heavenly father has brought us through so many trials and dangers that I feel persuaded he will yet carry us to the end." " Are we not all immortal till our work is done!"?
So do ever find yourself in the place of contemplation. Trying to present yourself before the Word with the hopes that somehow at some point there will be a challenge through the spirit. This challenge is one that you know the answer to what you were seeking. When one desires to make wise decisions.
Here is a quote I came out of a US Navy chief pinning cerimony on Tuesday, and I said " You know I could of made this my life" The interesting thing was that the response I got was well you know that it is not to late. This was not the response I was expecting since I whole heartedly believe that God has laid on my heart a passion for people. This passion is to be manifested in my life being poured out for the nuturing and spreading of the gospel in the hearts of people.
So maybe it is not the Navy cerimony that would stirr you. WHAT DOES STIRR YOU? Does the fact that you are a child of the King, a brother of Christ, and son or daughter, redeemed in and through Christ, Free of the penalty of sin, given the power to stand, are being freed from the power of sin. Know where you are going when you die.
If some one will dare to take the oath of office into the US Navy to swear that by life or death they will up hold the duty of being in the USN. And they will train and discipline and own and practice and stive for advancement and fulfill their duty
Why then does it seem to be so different, that is in fufilling our duty as slave of righteousness, an ambassador of Christ, and a minister of reconciliation. And our motivation it not just out of duty for ours is far greater. For one has paid the ultimate price to demonstrate the ulitimate perfect love so that we might not just be free but made holy.
Here is a quote I came out of a US Navy chief pinning cerimony on Tuesday, and I said " You know I could of made this my life" The interesting thing was that the response I got was well you know that it is not to late. This was not the response I was expecting since I whole heartedly believe that God has laid on my heart a passion for people. This passion is to be manifested in my life being poured out for the nuturing and spreading of the gospel in the hearts of people.
So maybe it is not the Navy cerimony that would stirr you. WHAT DOES STIRR YOU? Does the fact that you are a child of the King, a brother of Christ, and son or daughter, redeemed in and through Christ, Free of the penalty of sin, given the power to stand, are being freed from the power of sin. Know where you are going when you die.
If some one will dare to take the oath of office into the US Navy to swear that by life or death they will up hold the duty of being in the USN. And they will train and discipline and own and practice and stive for advancement and fulfill their duty
Why then does it seem to be so different, that is in fufilling our duty as slave of righteousness, an ambassador of Christ, and a minister of reconciliation. And our motivation it not just out of duty for ours is far greater. For one has paid the ultimate price to demonstrate the ulitimate perfect love so that we might not just be free but made holy.
Monday, September 15, 2008
I went on a US Navy Submarine

Submarine. Coming out of the top of the sub are the
periscopes. ( they were not allowed in the picture)
Off of the side of the sail you would find the sea planes
which are used for steering the boat.
Last night I meet up with a guy who was by himself and looking for the NEX ( Navy Exchange).
So I told him that I would take him there, so we got to talking and he told me that he was just in town on leave and that he was on a sub. Come to find out he is on the USS City of Corpus Cristi ssn-705. Anyway so we talked and then he offered to give a tour because I helped him out. So I was totally excited to be able to see what ship life is on a sub. Let me tell you I give those guys props for being able to do that I dont know that I would be able to. They are in some extremely tough conditions. There are even racks( beds) on top of and next to torpedos. There is only one washing machine and one dryer. There are also only five toilets for a boat which carries about 150 men. Anyway here is a picture outside the ship, I could not take any pictures on board for secruity reasons. I did get to look through the periscope and move it around and zoom in that was pretty cool.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Second week of the Truth Project

There is the possibility that I will be able to take it to familys home on Monday nights and start that next week. I am praying that during my time left here I can train and expose the right people to the Truth Project so that they could continue to use this great tool in challenging and training the church.
This is just to add some pictures to the story that I already told you about.
You remember the gal Rebecca, the one who accepted Christ in August. Well here she is getting baptized. She was at chapel on Sunday night last week, and heard that there was a baptism afterwards and God worked in her heart during the service, so after the service she went up and asked the chaplin if she could be baptized, so he asked her the questions to confirm her belief and trust in Christ and told her it was a go. So she got baptised in the clothes that she had on, right there after chapel by Nate Johnson. ( who is a Cadence Maliachi missionary) . Just thought that I would continue to complete the story for you.

Thursday, September 11, 2008
some quotes to ponder
Since I am wrestling with some of these I thought that I would share a few so that I would not have to be the only one.
From a book written about the life of Robert Murray M'cheyne (thanks Brian for the book)
"Reading H. Martyn's Memoirs. Would I could imitate him, giving up father, mother, country, house, health, life, all - for Christ. And yet , what hinders? Lord purify me, and give me strength to dedicate myself, my all to thee!"
"journal entry: " Somewhat overcome. Let me see: there is a creeping defect here. Humble, purpose-like reading of the Word omitted. What plant can be unwatered and not wither?"
"journal entry: Self examination. Why is a missionary life so often an object of my thoughts. Is it simply for the love I bear to souls? Then , why do I not show it more where I am?"
"journal entry: Composition- a plesant kind of labour. I fear the love of applause, or effect, goes a great way. May God keep me from preaching myself, instead of Christ crucified."
Theres a few that I have mean chewing on.
This man came to know Christ around the age of twenty and died at the age of 29.
From a book written about the life of Robert Murray M'cheyne (thanks Brian for the book)
"Reading H. Martyn's Memoirs. Would I could imitate him, giving up father, mother, country, house, health, life, all - for Christ. And yet , what hinders? Lord purify me, and give me strength to dedicate myself, my all to thee!"
"journal entry: " Somewhat overcome. Let me see: there is a creeping defect here. Humble, purpose-like reading of the Word omitted. What plant can be unwatered and not wither?"
"journal entry: Self examination. Why is a missionary life so often an object of my thoughts. Is it simply for the love I bear to souls? Then , why do I not show it more where I am?"
"journal entry: Composition- a plesant kind of labour. I fear the love of applause, or effect, goes a great way. May God keep me from preaching myself, instead of Christ crucified."
Theres a few that I have mean chewing on.
This man came to know Christ around the age of twenty and died at the age of 29.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Praise the Lord
So tonight there was an incredible chapel service. First off we had communion which is always moving to stop and reflect on what Christ has done. Then the Malichi missionary Nate Johnson spoke. He spoke from Phil. 3 which is probably one of my favorite passages. He summarized what the last few years of his life have been changing ministries and how in the process of making decisions God was speaking to him and showing him that to follow Christ to really follow Christ means to share in his sufferings. That is that the gospel has always been carried forward through suffering.
Then after the service remember the gal Rebecca ( the one who accepted Christ a few weeks ago) well she was back in town this weekend and is headed back out on Monday. So Sunday night after service we had a baptismal and she snag Chaplin Bradshaw between the sancturary and the baptismal and told him that during the service she felt that God was saying that she should be obedient and get baptized. So right there ten minuets after the service she got baptized making a public professing of her faith and trust in Jesus Christ. Praise God He is so Amazing
Then I found out that when Rebecca gave her testimony of accepting Christ on Friday night at the lighthouse an officer on the Ford was challenged by her testamony. So latter Friday night this gal the officer on the Ford recommitted her life to Christ.
There is an update for you enjoy.
Then after the service remember the gal Rebecca ( the one who accepted Christ a few weeks ago) well she was back in town this weekend and is headed back out on Monday. So Sunday night after service we had a baptismal and she snag Chaplin Bradshaw between the sancturary and the baptismal and told him that during the service she felt that God was saying that she should be obedient and get baptized. So right there ten minuets after the service she got baptized making a public professing of her faith and trust in Jesus Christ. Praise God He is so Amazing
Then I found out that when Rebecca gave her testimony of accepting Christ on Friday night at the lighthouse an officer on the Ford was challenged by her testamony. So latter Friday night this gal the officer on the Ford recommitted her life to Christ.
There is an update for you enjoy.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Truth Project in Yokosuka Japan
Today Sunday Sept 7th we started the first lesson of the Truth Project. We had 15 people turn out not including the three of us on staff ( Jim Martha and myself ). So I was excited to have 18 people involved on Sunday morning starting at 10 am. We started by going over the Into to the series and then dove right in to lesson number 1 -Veritology the study of truth. Asking ourselves the question what is truth?
After the lesson we spent 45 min discussing the lesson. There were some great questions which were brought up; it was a great atmosphere of interactive discussion. Wrestling with what is Truth?
After the lesson we spent 45 min discussing the lesson. There were some great questions which were brought up; it was a great atmosphere of interactive discussion. Wrestling with what is Truth?
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
A look at Suffering and the Christian life
"Often the things we have to surrender are not easy to give up - things like health, our convenience, our comfort, or our reputation. As my wife and I get older I often wish that we could die around the same time. But the law of averages says that that is unlikely. My wife says it would be better for me to die first because she knows how lost I would be without her. We know that one of us will have to surrender the one who dies first. If through surrender we are willing to accept the possibility of this deeply sorrowful parting we can prepare for in constructively. The surrender will hopefully be an affirmation that no one not even our beloved spouse will take the place of supreme importance that God has in our lives. "
This is a quote from Ajith Fernando in his book "The Call to Joy and Pain"
I picked up this book to try and work through what I see as being a major blindspot in the church today. I don't think that the average believer in the church today has a proper theology of suffering. You might ask yourself you mean suffering is not a bad term or a negative term?
We find in 2Cor 5:18-19 that God has given us the ministry of reconciliation which came by and through and for Christ. It is because of this ministry that we are called amassadors of Christ. Four verses latter in 6:4 Paul continues with: " as servants of God we commend ourselves in every way by great endurance, in afflictions, hardships, calamities, beatings, imprisonments, riots, labors, sleepless nights, hunger, by purity, knowledge, patience, kindness, the Holy Spirit, genuine love; by truthful speech and the power of God; with the weapons of righteousness for our right and left hand" now in light of all this he continues with a list of paradoxical expressions that reflect Pauls view of his suffering for ministry
" through honor and dishonor,
through slander and praise
We are treated as imposters and yet are true
as unknown and yet well known
as dying and behold we live
as punished and yet not killed
as sorrowful yet always rejoicing
as poor yet making many rich
as having nothing yet possessing everything."
"That's the attitude that a biblically grounded theology of suffering produces in a Christian. As I said earlier the happiest people in the world are not those who have no suffering- they are those who are not afraid of suffering." Ajith Fernando same book
Lord create in me a heart of underdstanding when it comes to suffering. For I am a slave to righteousness and as a slave I have no rights of my own only those that you have given me. Lord help me to come and die daily to your will not succombing often to my own selfish desires but rather help me to produce a life that is in selfless, counter cultural and God intoxicated.
" For I am grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken and thus God I want to offer to you acceptable worship with reverence and awe for you my GOd are a consumning fire" (Hebrews 12:28 personalization added)
This is a quote from Ajith Fernando in his book "The Call to Joy and Pain"
I picked up this book to try and work through what I see as being a major blindspot in the church today. I don't think that the average believer in the church today has a proper theology of suffering. You might ask yourself you mean suffering is not a bad term or a negative term?
We find in 2Cor 5:18-19 that God has given us the ministry of reconciliation which came by and through and for Christ. It is because of this ministry that we are called amassadors of Christ. Four verses latter in 6:4 Paul continues with: " as servants of God we commend ourselves in every way by great endurance, in afflictions, hardships, calamities, beatings, imprisonments, riots, labors, sleepless nights, hunger, by purity, knowledge, patience, kindness, the Holy Spirit, genuine love; by truthful speech and the power of God; with the weapons of righteousness for our right and left hand" now in light of all this he continues with a list of paradoxical expressions that reflect Pauls view of his suffering for ministry
" through honor and dishonor,
through slander and praise
We are treated as imposters and yet are true
as unknown and yet well known
as dying and behold we live
as punished and yet not killed
as sorrowful yet always rejoicing
as poor yet making many rich
as having nothing yet possessing everything."
"That's the attitude that a biblically grounded theology of suffering produces in a Christian. As I said earlier the happiest people in the world are not those who have no suffering- they are those who are not afraid of suffering." Ajith Fernando same book
Lord create in me a heart of underdstanding when it comes to suffering. For I am a slave to righteousness and as a slave I have no rights of my own only those that you have given me. Lord help me to come and die daily to your will not succombing often to my own selfish desires but rather help me to produce a life that is in selfless, counter cultural and God intoxicated.
" For I am grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken and thus God I want to offer to you acceptable worship with reverence and awe for you my GOd are a consumning fire" (Hebrews 12:28 personalization added)
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Some truths about faith
" Faith enables us to turn from the approval of the world and seek only the approval of God."
Even though the people mentioned in Heb. 11 saw many great and wonderful acts of God it is impotant to remember that :
Not all men and women of faith received miraculous deliverence.
We must not think that it is about the amount of faith but who our faith is grounded in. Letting the truths of Scripture shine out the lies which so easily entangle us. Alowing us to replace the lies with truth. Knowing that:
" A life of sight depends on self and circumstances. A life of faith depends on God and His certain Word."
Even though the people mentioned in Heb. 11 saw many great and wonderful acts of God it is impotant to remember that :
Not all men and women of faith received miraculous deliverence.
We must not think that it is about the amount of faith but who our faith is grounded in. Letting the truths of Scripture shine out the lies which so easily entangle us. Alowing us to replace the lies with truth. Knowing that:
" A life of sight depends on self and circumstances. A life of faith depends on God and His certain Word."
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Lord help me to be an unfashionable, counter cultural, Christian; one whos life is poured out and spent for your kingdom. My I become more and more God intoxicated, which will compel me more and more to know and follow hard after you. May you continue to work Lord on my life in transforming my mind. May this intoxication come from gazing upon you and being blown away by your love and mercy and grace. Lord break my heart for what breaks yours, open up my eyes so that I might see people more how you see them, Help me love the unlovable, give me grace in the times I fall. Lord I ask that through your spirit you continue to kindle within me the fire for missions. Not that missions would be the end but the necessary responsibility of this intoxicated believer. That my life can be poured out and spent for you kingdom knowing that your name will be lifted high and that every tongue will confess that you are God and that you are worthy and that you are Holy. Lord it is only through you that I may come boldly and aproach the throne, which only came by your sacrifice, and it is to you that I cry out. For from YOU and through YOU and to YOU are all things forever and ever and ever.....AMEN
Monday, August 25, 2008
The truth is that because we have lost touch with God and His Word we have lost the secret both of community( because sin kills neighbor-love) and of our own idenitity ( because at the deepest level we do not know who or what we are, or what we exist for) J.I. Packer
I found this to be very true and very challenging.
I found this to be very true and very challenging.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Last week I was vollentold ( that would be a military term for "being told to volenteer for something) at first to work with the Chapel of Hopes Protastant VBS. I really didnt mind back when I was signed up and actually it was my desire the closer I got to it.
SO last week the VBS took place, I think that there were about 200 to 250 kids. My role was to be the game guy. So I had six to somedays 10 highschool and middleschool kids working with me. I of course loved working with the older students and with all of the kids. So five days of high energy games. Could life get any better for those kids, I submit that it could not.
So the chapel here did the same VBS program that south church did back in Lansing.
Power Lab So in this I created this character that I would have to be all week. Since I was the leader for Hyperspeed games I figured that it would be fitting to be Professor Hyperspeed with my assistants being the hyperbuddies. Well I had alot of fun being this character because it required that I be moving around really fast and hyper. I also became the high five guy. The first day I think that I was scary to most of the kids but by the second day they all wanted to give me a high five.
The other side of my role was helping lead the songs. That is with motions and since I am a firm believer that if you want someone to be energized you have to give 10 xs what you want. So I will let your imaginations figure out what that might of looked like.
Well this will bring this to a close. I had an incredible week, I lost my voice, I got to share the gospel message with all of the kids during the game time. I got to show the kids love through being there and engaging with them.
SO last week the VBS took place, I think that there were about 200 to 250 kids. My role was to be the game guy. So I had six to somedays 10 highschool and middleschool kids working with me. I of course loved working with the older students and with all of the kids. So five days of high energy games. Could life get any better for those kids, I submit that it could not.
So the chapel here did the same VBS program that south church did back in Lansing.
Power Lab So in this I created this character that I would have to be all week. Since I was the leader for Hyperspeed games I figured that it would be fitting to be Professor Hyperspeed with my assistants being the hyperbuddies. Well I had alot of fun being this character because it required that I be moving around really fast and hyper. I also became the high five guy. The first day I think that I was scary to most of the kids but by the second day they all wanted to give me a high five.
The other side of my role was helping lead the songs. That is with motions and since I am a firm believer that if you want someone to be energized you have to give 10 xs what you want. So I will let your imaginations figure out what that might of looked like.
Well this will bring this to a close. I had an incredible week, I lost my voice, I got to share the gospel message with all of the kids during the game time. I got to show the kids love through being there and engaging with them.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
This last Sunday night after chapel we went to dinner at the foodcourt. While we were eating I was sitting next to a sailor whos name was Rebecca. She mentioned that she wished that she wasnt leaving the next morning to go to sea for a month and a half because she wanted to ask me some questions. So later that evening while we were sitting and talking as a group she asked me the question about how does Jesus and the trinity work. We ended up having to put our conversation on hold because of the events in the room at the time. So we ended up heading to another room where we resumed our conversation. We ended up talking for about two hours. The conversation came to the point of now that you understand who this person of Jesus Christ is what are you going to do with Him. Again more explanation ( and I am leaving out alot because of time) but it got to the point where she asked I dont know how to accept Christ. After sharing the basic understanding and structure she responded with I dont know that I am ready I am just not ready to let go.
I told her that when she came to the point that she was ready she now knew how and that it was just a matter of believing in and putting her faith and trust in Christ finished work for her. I told her to tell someone when she accepted Christ.
Well Praise God I received an email from her tonight ( Thursday night)
"I gave my life to Christ last night, after running, right there at the end of the treadmill on my knees in this dirty gym at sea.
It was perfect. Just wanted you to know. Rebecca "
I feel like celebrating. This is an icredible feeling to know that I was one step in pointing her to Christ. The amazing thing for me is that this is the first person that I have talked to about Christ who has then shared with me that they accepted Christ.
You may be wondering what the title has to do with all of this well since we are associated with the military community and we use acronims all of the time I thougth that this one would be fitting. M.O.R> Ministry of Reconciliation
I told her that when she came to the point that she was ready she now knew how and that it was just a matter of believing in and putting her faith and trust in Christ finished work for her. I told her to tell someone when she accepted Christ.
Well Praise God I received an email from her tonight ( Thursday night)
"I gave my life to Christ last night, after running, right there at the end of the treadmill on my knees in this dirty gym at sea.
It was perfect. Just wanted you to know. Rebecca "
I feel like celebrating. This is an icredible feeling to know that I was one step in pointing her to Christ. The amazing thing for me is that this is the first person that I have talked to about Christ who has then shared with me that they accepted Christ.
You may be wondering what the title has to do with all of this well since we are associated with the military community and we use acronims all of the time I thougth that this one would be fitting. M.O.R> Ministry of Reconciliation
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Facing our giants
I just finished watching the movie Faceing the Giants and in this movie for those of you who havent seen it you have a high school football coach. This coach has everything in life happen to him and it seems like life is at the bottom of the barrell. Then he focuses on God and believes that if you seek God and do everything for his glory then everything will work out. The interesting thing is that by the end of the movie everything that was bad and been fixed and overcome. Leaving you with this underlining idea that if you would just turn to God and believe Him that nothing is impossible with God that everything will work out for the good.
So I say all of this to ask myself the question, What is the underlineing doctrine that is being taught here. Does God really promise that everthing will work out for the good. Is it really true that everthing will get better if we were to just wholly trust God. I mean the picture that is painted in the movie is essentially a coutry music song first sung forward and then reversed.
I think the said and grim reality is that the very teaching that takes place in this movie is some of the very deceptive teaching that is happening in our churches. Even on the level of not being taught neccessarily but definetly you see it in the peoples actions. We need to continually look and examine our lives through the lens of God's word. It is only then that we will be able to see the lies which so easily entangle us.
The good and positive points in the movie is that God does answer prayer, and those prayers of people who are persistent and dedicated. That we will praise him in the wins and we will praise him in the losses. And that football or whatever it may be is and should never be the main and driving forces in our lives. God and his kingdom must be first and formost. What we need most in our own lives and in the lives of our churches is to have a spirit of revival. The kindleing afresh the fire and passion for God and for the supremecy of Christ. That from Him and through Him and to Him are all things; to him be the glory for ever and ever and ever. AMEN
So I say all of this to ask myself the question, What is the underlineing doctrine that is being taught here. Does God really promise that everthing will work out for the good. Is it really true that everthing will get better if we were to just wholly trust God. I mean the picture that is painted in the movie is essentially a coutry music song first sung forward and then reversed.
I think the said and grim reality is that the very teaching that takes place in this movie is some of the very deceptive teaching that is happening in our churches. Even on the level of not being taught neccessarily but definetly you see it in the peoples actions. We need to continually look and examine our lives through the lens of God's word. It is only then that we will be able to see the lies which so easily entangle us.
The good and positive points in the movie is that God does answer prayer, and those prayers of people who are persistent and dedicated. That we will praise him in the wins and we will praise him in the losses. And that football or whatever it may be is and should never be the main and driving forces in our lives. God and his kingdom must be first and formost. What we need most in our own lives and in the lives of our churches is to have a spirit of revival. The kindleing afresh the fire and passion for God and for the supremecy of Christ. That from Him and through Him and to Him are all things; to him be the glory for ever and ever and ever. AMEN
Monday, July 28, 2008

Officer Retiring

This was a great honor and opportunity that I had, to be able to be apart of this officers retirement ceremony. He retired after twenty years of active service, It was neat because he was able to share during the formal ceremony about the real impact and change that his lord and savior Jesus Christ had on his life. He was that specific and not the tipical generic god.
Anyway it was pretty cool he had been involved in the house before I got here and I had the privelege of knowing him a few weeks and then was able to participate in this ceremony.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
More thoughts on Idenity
" The truth is that because we have lost touch with God and His word we have lost the secret both of community ( because sin kills neighbor - love) and of our own idenity ( because at the deepest level we do not know who or what we are, or what we exist for)."
Saturday, July 26, 2008
" Jesus isnt really concerned with moving us into a new economic strata or a different social structure, and I think the chuch has missed this. Jesus isnt so much concerned about removing you from the margins as he is with helping you understand that you dont have to be named by the margins of this society. He says you're named by God.......His invitation to us is to walk away from the names placed on us by society and to hear and believe the new names the Father gives us.
Cared for
The love of Jesus doesnt come to make us fit into American culture; its here to make us fit into heaven. His love is here to complete us."
Rick Mckinley "Jesus in the Margins"
Cared for
The love of Jesus doesnt come to make us fit into American culture; its here to make us fit into heaven. His love is here to complete us."
Rick Mckinley "Jesus in the Margins"
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
God is truly amazing
Tonights study went really well we were studying Hebrews chapter 8. One of the final concluding thoughts was that We need to embrace this Gospel the good news of Christ better ministry. That is Christ being the mediator the new covenant. That we need to run back to the power of God's grace in our lives not only to save us but to keep us and not only that but to transform us intoo the image of Christ.
Application discussion came to head with a lot of discussion about work and how we interact with those in authority. I offered a statement which hit me hard and one that is a continualy struggle to totaly grasp so here is the statement for you guys to suffer with so I dont have to be suffering alone.
When ever we have a problem with another person we have a problem with God. For it is never the problem with that person it is a problem with God. ie We we are offended by someone, do we have the right to be offended. Do living sacrifices have rights? I suggest that the more we are transformed into the image of Christ and the more we come to rest in who we are in Christ the more we will understand that we have no rights, and that if we have a problem with someone it is really a problem with God.
Thanks for all of you who have been praying for me and for the ministry here. I know that it is a huge part of Gods work in these men and womens lives. Continue to pray for me and my process of seeking God and making decisions about my future.
Thanks for also keeping me in the loop of what is going on in your lives. If anything I am learning more how to care for missionaries who are over seas.
" God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him."
Application discussion came to head with a lot of discussion about work and how we interact with those in authority. I offered a statement which hit me hard and one that is a continualy struggle to totaly grasp so here is the statement for you guys to suffer with so I dont have to be suffering alone.
When ever we have a problem with another person we have a problem with God. For it is never the problem with that person it is a problem with God. ie We we are offended by someone, do we have the right to be offended. Do living sacrifices have rights? I suggest that the more we are transformed into the image of Christ and the more we come to rest in who we are in Christ the more we will understand that we have no rights, and that if we have a problem with someone it is really a problem with God.
Thanks for all of you who have been praying for me and for the ministry here. I know that it is a huge part of Gods work in these men and womens lives. Continue to pray for me and my process of seeking God and making decisions about my future.
Thanks for also keeping me in the loop of what is going on in your lives. If anything I am learning more how to care for missionaries who are over seas.
" God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him."
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Its a bomb!!!!!
So I am riding down to base today and doing my normal pace of what seems like one hundred miles per hour ( remember I live on a hill and the base is at the bottom) and I get on base and continue my normal route to head through Womble gate which is the secondary gate not the main gate and as I am riding through the area where the hospital is notice a police boat out in the marina area. Not that this should be alarming so I continue riding between these two buildings as I approach an intersection I want to make a right here and as I do I am drawn back to this police boat for it looks like it is trying to keep boats out of the area I think to myself....huh.
So now I remember that I am still biking and need to pay attention to where I am going so I turn and look back ahead , maybe it would be helpfull to know that I have slowed my speed down drastically and now I am going along and a semi brisk pace. As I look ahead I am approaching the Mcdonalds on my right, I find it strange that there were no cars in the drive through especially since it was lunch hour. But again I think to myself .....huh. THen as I continue to go forward I see a police truck blocking the exit of the drive through lane. Now I am starting to think what is going on and you will remember that I am still biking at a brisk pace and imediatly I see a guy standing up out of the bushes on the left and he is probably thirty feet from me and he is dressed in a bomb squad gear at that moment I hit my brakes and begin to turn around and then I see the police and fire trucks on the roads on the other side of the bomb squad dude.
So I high tale it out of there knowing that I cannot get into trouble or else the chapel will get in trouble especially my sponser. Well to wrap it up the reason I made it as close as I did was because there was no one posted at the street which I used to get onto the drive through road. Consequently I was able to get that close with out seeing a single police officer. As soon as I turned around though there was a guy running at me and waving yelling for me to get out of there so I did and did not look back. Anyway I ended up going the long way around to get the food court area just down the rode from the Mcdonalds. While I was there I heard that all of this was going on because of a suspicious package, of course I new that because I was right there. Well they made everyone stay in the food court where I was. They closed down all of the building s in the area and had everyone staying put and then proceeded to blow up the suspicious package. Come to find out later tonight is was some dudes briefcase which he set down and forgot and in it were some medical papers. So that was my excitement for the day.
Oh and Bowdens got their new used car today so I had to drive it home from the dealer. First time driving in Japan. It is not so bad I enjoy it actually I have enjoyed driving anywhere I have been. I will try and post some pics of the tin can I mean the car.
So now I remember that I am still biking and need to pay attention to where I am going so I turn and look back ahead , maybe it would be helpfull to know that I have slowed my speed down drastically and now I am going along and a semi brisk pace. As I look ahead I am approaching the Mcdonalds on my right, I find it strange that there were no cars in the drive through especially since it was lunch hour. But again I think to myself .....huh. THen as I continue to go forward I see a police truck blocking the exit of the drive through lane. Now I am starting to think what is going on and you will remember that I am still biking at a brisk pace and imediatly I see a guy standing up out of the bushes on the left and he is probably thirty feet from me and he is dressed in a bomb squad gear at that moment I hit my brakes and begin to turn around and then I see the police and fire trucks on the roads on the other side of the bomb squad dude.
So I high tale it out of there knowing that I cannot get into trouble or else the chapel will get in trouble especially my sponser. Well to wrap it up the reason I made it as close as I did was because there was no one posted at the street which I used to get onto the drive through road. Consequently I was able to get that close with out seeing a single police officer. As soon as I turned around though there was a guy running at me and waving yelling for me to get out of there so I did and did not look back. Anyway I ended up going the long way around to get the food court area just down the rode from the Mcdonalds. While I was there I heard that all of this was going on because of a suspicious package, of course I new that because I was right there. Well they made everyone stay in the food court where I was. They closed down all of the building s in the area and had everyone staying put and then proceeded to blow up the suspicious package. Come to find out later tonight is was some dudes briefcase which he set down and forgot and in it were some medical papers. So that was my excitement for the day.
Oh and Bowdens got their new used car today so I had to drive it home from the dealer. First time driving in Japan. It is not so bad I enjoy it actually I have enjoyed driving anywhere I have been. I will try and post some pics of the tin can I mean the car.
Monday, July 21, 2008
This is for all of you who thought that I would never get around to putting up another post.
Today I spent the day making up business cards for Jim, Martha, and myself. I then spent the rest of the morning ordering books and cds for the ministry. I was then able to catch some coffee with a sailor named Gregg, that turned out to be a great conversation. Gregg is growing and desiring to learn more about what it means to follow Christ.
It has been a tough weekend overall. I was struggling with some relational conflict. God is good and I am having to turn more to Him to wrestle through . Funny how He works at times. I am soo excited about the ministry here. It has been so full and exciting I just dont even know where to start in telling you. Yet at the same time there are times of lonliness. It is a very interesting enviorment here. How does one take a day off? I dont know that I know how? I guess that I will have to ponder that for a while.
Today I spent the day making up business cards for Jim, Martha, and myself. I then spent the rest of the morning ordering books and cds for the ministry. I was then able to catch some coffee with a sailor named Gregg, that turned out to be a great conversation. Gregg is growing and desiring to learn more about what it means to follow Christ.
It has been a tough weekend overall. I was struggling with some relational conflict. God is good and I am having to turn more to Him to wrestle through . Funny how He works at times. I am soo excited about the ministry here. It has been so full and exciting I just dont even know where to start in telling you. Yet at the same time there are times of lonliness. It is a very interesting enviorment here. How does one take a day off? I dont know that I know how? I guess that I will have to ponder that for a while.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
My first week in Japan

The Island which is center is called Monkey Island
It has been a crazy week, time is already flying by so quick that it feels like it is hard to keep up.
Today Tuesday I received my base pass ( that is an answer to prayer) This is a pass which I have to have in order to get on and off of the base without having to be signed on by another sailor.
The week has been productive, I have been able to meet several guys, these guys have come out to the Lighthouse and are planning on continuing to come. My hope and prayer is that they will be willing over the next few weeks to meet together with the purpose of discipleship and mentoring.
Some of the things which have been difficult already is trying to make up an itinerary for my week. Which is needing to be some what fluid at first until I can know what is required and when.
So far my relationship with Jim and Martha has been going well. There is still room though for improving on our communication between each other.
Today I spent the morning just walking around the base and the city. It was a nice time to just get out and see the town. Trying to learn more how the city is laid out is a challenge. It is very difficult to know which way you are going until you learn the streets. It is not at all like Lansing which is laid out in a grid. Mostly because you have hills and little mountains that the houses and roads all wind around and are nestled between. This can make for some great adventures.
There is another person who lives at the Lighthouse right now. Her name is Yukie, and she is japanees. She has been connected with the ministry here for at least 3 years. She became a follower of Christ in 2006 and has been connecting with the bible study here at the Lighthouse ever since. She and I are close in age and have been able to have some fun times already. She has been showing me around town and the base. She has a great since of humor so we are continually joking around which brings joy and laughter to the house. Though we have also been able to have several very good conversations. Pray for her as she is looking to God to determine her direction in life. ( I guess I can relate to that :} )
Also I just remembered a salior named Gregg. He has been in the hospital recoving from a colasped lung. Pray for him and for his spirit to be lifted, he is a new believer and is seeing God at work, his mom is not a believer and he is trying to encourage his mom to be thinking about God. Pray that through this God might make himself know to her.
Well this is probably extremly long I dont know because I have not gone back to look yet. I guess once I get my fingers typing it seems to just flow. I just wanted to close with sharing how encouraging it is to know that God is in control. I say that because I saw it first hand in all of the people who have gotten behind me and the minitstry here in Japan. There are so many people who have and are supporting me financially and in prayer. That means so much to me, to be half way around the globe and yet to get an email or note that says hey you were being thought of and we are praying for you. THat is the body of Christ in and at work. So to those of you who read this and you fall into that catagory Thank you for your support of me and the ministry here. I pray that God will bless for you support of His Body.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Yokosuka Japan
So here I am spending my first day @ the lighthouse. The Lighthouse is a ministry house with cadence international and they work with the US military both abroad and at home. So This will hopfully be the first of many posts while I am here. I hope to use this as a place to share some of the struggles and deeper thoughts that come up as well as just the amazing things that I know God is going to be teaching me while I am here. SO that is all for now stay tune in the future for more exciting stories from Japan
Thursday, April 17, 2008
This is not always an easy topic to talk about. Yet God says that we will suffer in following Him.
It is amazing, when you stop and think about how blessed we are in the US. or maybe we arnt blessed maybe its really a curse? I can see and read examples of what it means to suffer in other countries but what does it mean to suffer in the US. Tonight I was taken to the book of Habakkuk I was exposed to the fact that although Habakkuk had been given this vision and understanding from the Lord that only suffering and trouble was going to come for the nation of Isreal he still responds with rejoicing.
Though all of these trials and suffering will come ch3:18 "yet I will rejoice in the Lord I will take joy in the God of my salvation God the Lord is my strength"
I wonder if this is how I will respond when I am placed into suffering for His name sake.
I talk about being willing and ready to suffer but is anyone really ready for it. I think that if I really embraced this my life would look different I would no longer care what people think of me or of what they might say or do to me it drives me back to my last post " in God I trust I will not be afraid what can man do to me.
It is amazing, when you stop and think about how blessed we are in the US. or maybe we arnt blessed maybe its really a curse? I can see and read examples of what it means to suffer in other countries but what does it mean to suffer in the US. Tonight I was taken to the book of Habakkuk I was exposed to the fact that although Habakkuk had been given this vision and understanding from the Lord that only suffering and trouble was going to come for the nation of Isreal he still responds with rejoicing.
Though all of these trials and suffering will come ch3:18 "yet I will rejoice in the Lord I will take joy in the God of my salvation God the Lord is my strength"
I wonder if this is how I will respond when I am placed into suffering for His name sake.
I talk about being willing and ready to suffer but is anyone really ready for it. I think that if I really embraced this my life would look different I would no longer care what people think of me or of what they might say or do to me it drives me back to my last post " in God I trust I will not be afraid what can man do to me.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Ps. 56:10,11
"In God whose word I praise,
In the Lord whose word I praise
In God I trust, I shall not be afraid.
What can man do to me?"
I came across this verse the other day in my readings and this has been something that I have been pondering ever since. Do I really believe this to be true? Or can I say that this is really true about me?
In the Lord whose word I praise
In God I trust, I shall not be afraid.
What can man do to me?"
I came across this verse the other day in my readings and this has been something that I have been pondering ever since. Do I really believe this to be true? Or can I say that this is really true about me?
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